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Black Lives Matter
Due to the Black Lives Matter Marches and demands for the rights of Blacks is in the forefront again.
Systematic racism and Systematic discrimination is engrained so deep in American society that it will be many years before Blacks will be relieved of it's clutches.
Even though nation-wide police reform is a great start__ it is only a beginning. When the police were instituted in American society their purpose was to keep the freed Black slaves in line which I think they are still doing today.
Racism and discrimination is D-E-E-P in the minds of non Blacks and is reinforced on a daily basis through television, radio, pictures ,movies etc: It is embedded into institutions and systems in America's society.
Pure Harlem is propagated to instill and enhance unity, trust and love and among African Americans, Blacks, and Negroes, and peoples of all nations through creativity, culture, education and cooperation to achieve all that America has to offer. Here you can become part of the conversation and "Get it off your chest." It is not a gang or a cult.
We have a long journey ahead of us maybe longer than the journey that our fore fathers and ancestors have gone through. BUT WE MUST STRUGGLE TO ERADICATE IT AND MAKE AMERICA KEEP HER PROMISE.
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