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The Money

every since . There had to be a level of trade between individuals.]
In earlier times , there were those who were farmers, ranchers, hunters etc: One had the meat and the other had the grain.This method of trade was cumbersome and an inconvenience for both parties involved.
I think this is the foundation of the HAVE's and the HAVE NOT's, in today's modern "societies".

Both had to be mutually agreeable on how the trade would balance out so each of them were satisfied with the deal. In contemplation, a better method was devised. Today this method is called MONEY,(currency).
MONEY as it appears` today is very complicated. It has been manipulated
through history and is the most powerful entity on earth. Money is so powerful that people tend to make it their god. They will do ANYTHING to get it! Todays "societies" make money an absolute necessity. MONEY is a major element in all facets of our culture. Some say that "MONEY is the root of all evil". MONEY and demented minds cause evil. It has such a power, that when you find out what you can do with the little bit, that you got and how much you WANT so you can be------- you want more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more
These feelings not only affect you, but they also affect the world population. This is more so prevalent in places where the population is oppressed to the point of having nothing and all they can do is to hope for a "better life".

WE, as a people have been oppressed to the bottom and are kept in a position where we have to go to another ethnicity for the basic things we use in our daily lives. YET..... we do not build our own and develop an economy to keep us progressing in the world order. The oppressor takes the money out of one pocket to create a job for you, to make him more money and you get minimal payment for YOUR TIME. THEN.... YOU turn right back around and give it right back to the oppressor (to put it in the other pocket) ....BEFORE building institutions for our people's advancement. (schools, hospitals, businesses, self development)
The Money

Written by: Pure Harlem
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